Abductive Columns

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Church Ministries: Busting a Paradigm

Today I saw the involvement minister in Wal-Mart and jumped upon my soapbox for a few minutes. I waxed clean on "church" ministries as centripetal (always trying to pull the missing into their gig).

He pointed out that evangelism wasn’t a ministry. I concurred.

Yet I reminded him that all ministries should revolve around those Jesus misses. And that our vision should (have) matured to the point where we would feel safe taking every ministry out of the church building and into various locations throughout the community; simply put--make ministries 'safe places' for those Jesus misses

He mentioned the ministry for widows as one that must be maintained by the church.

Of course, that’s the only one he could single out. In my opinion have one for the widows in your faith community and locate a ministry for widows not of the faith community beyond the church campus.

Although he nodded his head and seemed to agree I really don't think he understood; at least not on the same level.


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