Abductive Columns

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Shamless Plug

I've noticed a number of new visitors traveling in this direction to spend time preusing this blog. For those new visitors I mention a book I wrote in 2003, titled A Mobile Church for E.P.I.C. Times: Moving Across Faith Community Borders

The book's foreword is by Leonard Sweet, with blurbs written by Sally Morgenthaler and Brian McLaren.

Editors Review says:
In his most significant book Fred Peatross challenges his readers to interface the world and the church; to step across faith community borders and create "safe-places" where believers, functioning as guides and explorers, comfortably journey with pre-Christians.

Brian McLaren wrote:
Fred Peatross writes from a heritage within the Restoration Movement, which gives him rightful claim to the title "A Protestant of the Protestants." His insights, challenges, conversations, questions, pokes, prods, humor, confrontations, and inspirations just might help awaken the sleeping Protestant giant, and thus open the way for better days of motivation, ministry, mission. Every reader will find much to remember, ponder, and put into practice.
Pick up a copy at Amazon.com


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